ExoConsulting Partners with Nepris
As the world adapts to evolving technologies, it is important for classroom education to introduce vital, paramount workforce skills and interests. Beyond textbook readings and classroom teachings, today’s students can be equipped with the knowledge and abilities to excel in school and the real world without leaving their classroom.
ExoConsulting has joined forces with Nepris as an industry partner. Nepris, a cloud-based platform, holds live, virtual chats involving professionals from various fields. In this case, Nepris engages students and professionals with an emphasis on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).
Moreover, Nepris links professionals with K-12 students by connecting classroom lessons with potential career opportunities. Teachers can create a request for virtual sessions with professionals on topics that their class may be studying. Nepris contacts potential presenters about the opportunities to meet with K-12 students in a one-on-one, virtual environment.
In addition, Nepris offers “Industry Chats,” which are 30-45 minute sessions focusing on specialized topics. From there, Nepris markets these informational chat sessions to teachers. This particular option allows one professional to interact with many classrooms across the country.
Ultimately, Nepris focuses on meaningful conversations and meetings between students and professionals who bring real world relevance and a sampling of career experiences to classrooms.
For more information on Nepris, or if you would like to start making a difference today, sign up at Nepris.com or email partners@nepris.com.
Written by Rob Tiongson, November 15, 2021
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Since 2003, ExoConsulting’s founder, Dr. Aaron Studwell, has been part of the NASCAR community, building his reputation as an effective communicator with a passion for the sport and the people in it. Marketing and Social Media Coordinator Stevie Thompson brings her insight and artistic flair to engage our client base. Together, we provide representation and business insights for client success on and off track. Let’s find ways to work together.
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